A platform to facilitate and promote the conversion concerning the intersections between Food, Design and Sustainability.

Developed by Silvana Juri.

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Comestible | Comestible, behind the name
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Comestible, behind the name

Comestible is an infrequent word in the English language these days. It has lost popularity against the most widely used edible. However, this word that derives from its ancient latin form of ‘comestibilis’, suits this project perfectly, as it has the same meaning in English and Spanish.


The etymology of the verb suggests its roots come from com- ‘altogether’ + edere ‘eat’. I find this explanation by the Oxford dictionary very useful, as it implies the idea of wholeness, while including the word ‘together’. The act of eating has always been a communal one, sharing is implied and basically necessary, not only among different people, but different cultures.


The contents of this website are made accessible to you in both languages so as to help all designers from the North and the South access these ideas, to discuss these urgent issues, and to share your stories so that we can all learn and benefit from them.


Comestible was born during Silvana Juri’s work and research carried out during her postgraduate studies. By taking the form of an open platform for dissemination and discussion, it seeks to develop the urgent agenda of discussing sustainability within the intersections of the disciplines of Food + Design so as to help shape a more desirable future.


Through this space, Comestible is made more edible and digestible. It is meant to be food for thought, both for the English and Spanish audiences.

I would consider my goal a success if this proves to be of any use, or at least, inspirational. - Silvana Juri, September 2016.

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